Humans, resources, or what else?

Humans, resources, or what else?

Ebook of the Research Program
“The Organization Workshop”

edited by Massimo Neri
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

The literature on human resource management shows growing attention to the “personal” dimension of the subject-organization relationship, while the subjectivist contributions do not disregard the discussion on managerial implications. This ebook proposes a reflection on this apparent convergence. It discusses the internal criticism arising from the mainstream literature and the criticism originating from different disciplinary perspectives (organization, sociology of science, psychology of work, and labor law). Alternatives to the idea of human resources are proposed through the reflection on the goals of the processes of actions and decisions, the ontological reflection on the idea of man, and the epistemological reflection on the choices that allow overcoming the objectivism/subjectivism antinomy.

Human resource management, Human relations, Subject-organization relationship, Objectivism/subjectivism antinomy, Organizational action.

Table of contents
Massimo Neri, Risorse, persone, …what else?
Martina Gianecchini, Anna Chiara Scapolan, La gestione strategica delle risorse umane
Francesco M. Barbini, La persona al centro dell’organizzazione
Marco Zamarian, Strategic human resource management: criticità di metodo
Leonardo Pompa, Matteo Rinaldini, Humans: risorse e persone
Luca Vecchio, Risorse, persone e psicologia
Riccardo Del Punta, Alla ricerca del soggetto: una sfida per il diritto
del lavoro
Giovanni Masino, Risorse o persone? Una dicotomia fuorviante
Massimo Neri, Angela Perulli, La concezione di uomo
Bruno Maggi, Quale alternativa all’idea di risorse umane?

Neri M. (Ed.), 2021, Humans, resources, or what else?,, Bologna: TAO Digital Library.
ISBN: 978-88-98626-26-7

Received: 19/05/2021
Accepted: 08/07/2021
Published: 10/09/2021