Organization in disaster/Organizzazione nei disastri

Organization in disaster
Organizzazione nei disastri

Francesco Maria Barbini
Università di Bologna

Disasters can be seen as magnifying glasses on the behavior of subjects and on their (preliminary and contextual) decision-making processes. In fact, the sudden and disruptive events connected with the disaster do not trigger “unusual” behaviors, instead they offer an accelerated and exaggerated representation of normal organizational behaviors and problems, allowing the observation of the whole process of actions and decisions involved. This contribution proposes a reflection on two case studies (the AZF disaster and the Indian Ocean tsunami) that deals with issues related to the identification and management of risks in an industrial setting and to the coordination of cooperative behavior during post-disaster relief activities.

Primary prevention, Risk management, Cooperation and coordination, Disaster management, Organizational action.

Table of contents
Introduction / Introduzione
The failure of foresight in managing risks / Il fallimento delle previsioni per la gestione dei rischi
Cooperation and goal conflicts in crisis situations / Cooperazione e conflitti di obiettivi in situazioni di emergenza
References / Riferimenti bibliografici

Barbini F.M., 2015, Organization in disaster / Organizzazione nei disastri,, Bologna: TAO Digital Library.
ISBN: 978-88-98626-08-3
DOI: 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/4419

Received: 29/10/2015
Accepted: 24/11/2015
Published: 16/12/2015

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Organization in disaster

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Organizzazione nei disastri